;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata ;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process. #reader(lib "htdp-intermediate-lambda-reader.ss" "lang")((modname 06-5-sos-fns) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t write repeating-decimal #f #t none #f ()))) ;; Sos and Loss Practice (require rackunit) (require "extras.rkt") ;; Data Definitions ;; An S-expression of Strings (SoS) is either ;; -- a String ;; -- a List of SoS's (LoSS) ;; A List of SoS's (LoSS) is either ;; -- empty ;; -- (cons SoS LoSS) ;; TEMPLATES ;; ;; sos-fn : SoS -> ?? ;; (define (sos-fn s) ;; (cond ;; [(string? s) ...] ;; [else (... (loss-fn s)])) ;; ;; loss-fn : LoSS -> ?? ;; (define (loss-fn los) ;; (cond ;; [(empty? los) ...] ;; [else (... (sos-fn (first los)) ;; (loss-fn (rest los)))])) ;; characters-in : Sos -> Number ;; characters-in-loss : LoSS -> Number ;; RETURNS: the total number of characters in the strings in the ;; given sos or loss. ;; STRATEGY: Structural decomposition ;; characters-in : SoS -> ?? (define (characters-in s) (cond [(string? s) (string-length s)] [else (characters-in-loss s)])) ;; characters-in-loss : LoSS -> ?? (define (characters-in-loss los) (cond [(empty? los) 0] [else (+ (characters-in (first los)) (characters-in-loss (rest los)))])) (begin-for-test (check-equal? (characters-in (list "alice" (list (list "alice" "bob") "carole") "dave")) 23) ) ;; subst : SoS String String -> SoS ;; GIVEN: a SoS and two strings, old and new ;; RETURNS: a sos just like the given one, except that ;; all instances of old are changed to new. ;; EXAMPLE/TEST: (begin-for-test (check-equal? (subst (list "alice" (list (list "alice" "bob") "dave") "eve" "bob") "bob" "ted") (list "alice" (list (list "alice" "ted") "dave") "eve" "ted"))) ;; STRATEGY: Stuctural Decomposition on sos : SoS (define (subst sos old new) (cond [(string? sos) (subst-in-string sos old new)] [else (subst-in-loss sos old new)])) ;; subst-in-loss : LoSS String String -> LoSS ;; purpose statement similar to the one for loss (omitted for brevity here) ;; STRATEGY: Stuctural Decomposition on loss : LoSS (define (subst-in-loss loss old new) (cond [(empty? loss) empty] [else (cons (subst (first loss) old new) (subst-in-loss (rest loss) old new))])) ;; subst-in-string : String String String -> String ;; GIVEN: 3 strings, str, old, and new ;; RETURNS: new if str = old, otherwise returns str ;; strategy: function composition (define (subst-in-string str old new) (if (string=? str old) new str))